Book of Worship 1894

Book of Prayer for the Church and the Home; with Selections from the Psalms. Revised edition. Boston: Universalist Publishing House, 1894.


This Book of Prayer is designed to be a help in the offices of religion in the church and in the home. As originally published, it included many instructions and prayers which are now omitted, the aim being, in this revised edition, to provide simple services of worship for those who desire them and to give suggestion, if not formal direction, to those who are called to the various ministration of religion, in public and in private. The book was urgently called for, else it might not have seemed best to add another to the many excellent manuals of devotion already in use.

Order for Morning Prayer
Order for Evening Prayer
Order for Vespers
Prayers and Thanksgivings
The Divine Law
The Beatitudes
Offerings of Charity
Order for Communion
Baptism of Infants
Baptism for those of Riper Years
Order of Confirmation
Order of Matrimony
Visitation of the Sick
Burial of the Dead
Prayers that may be Used at Sea
Prayers to be Used in Families
Selections from the Psalms outline chart with notes only
Hymns and Psalms
The Apostles’ Creed
Articles of Faith
Rules for finding Feasts and Holy Days